Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Model Women In Girdles Do You Think Sarah Palin Is A Good Role Model For Young Women?

Do you think Sarah Palin is a good role model for young women? - model women in girdles

Do you see a woman who is independent, a mother, officials, politicians, athletes, a good role model for young women?

If you are inspired to live his life the same way?


Kim said...

Absolutely Positively YES!

When I see Sarah Palin, I see no contact, elitist politician. I see someone I can relate completely. I see my mother, my mother-in-law, and no other woman in my life that loves God, his family and his country.

I see a woman who is exactly the situation with your daughter, as the treatment of handles. Yes, it is dealt with something I'm sure he did not expect, but I've learned to play the hand.

I see a woman walking the path - not just talk the talk - in their pro-life position. She had the opportunity to cancel, Trig, but she decided to bring the child into the world, and I love him how much he loves her other children.

I see a woman that becomes a normal person who wanted to work in order to make a difference in your community (the first), then your state. I am 26 years old and had a passion for politics for many years. I want to run for office someday. Sarah Palin is an example of a woman who has balanced her family and her career. Mas and women benefit from this example.

Bandit said...

No, no. They chose the tasks of caring for their disabled child to another person in a professional development encouraged. Of course, she has devoted more effort to manage the family. Sorry, but the place of the family unit is much higher on my list of priorities for my job or another. In my opinion, most of our current problems are the result of the dissolution of the family. His election is no doubt, I think there should be a model for other women or men. A doubt is an inspiration to me.

haggesit... said...

Surely not.
I see a woman who pulled her daughter the attention of the media, a woman who has the money and thinks that anyone who was not a waste of space.
I see a woman who has explained the virtues of "Christian", but may not have enough compassion (what St. Paul calls "love") in itself to say no, a quote, even though McCain has 5 children at home, one could certainly to do with the love of a mother, rather than forced into early marriage.
I see a woman who is proud of their hunting prowess, but he wants oil drilling in Alaska, the coastal areas and their income will destroy fisheries.

Very inspiring indeed!

Aislinn said...

Only if you believe that free choice to believe that it is wrong, there is no problem with the environment, God commanded the war, people do not cause pollution and global warming, the books should be banned and people over should be fired, if you want it, and last but not least, is that it's okay to lie to get what you want, then yes, it would be a great role model.

rotorhea... said...

Like Bill Clinton and John Edwards fit his model of the world?

But yes, I wish I had a seaplane could hunt moose and caribou on a regular basis to vote are to be appointed governor of the state as a pure Alaska.and the VP slot on the Republican ticket. Sounds good!

Joe Six Pack is: Very few women need an abortion, and not one.

mutterha... said...

Look at his record:

Palin and Ted Stevens's 527:
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-tra ...

Palin supported the Bridge to Nowhere:
http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandida ...

Palin and her report on the provision of:
http://www.kansascity.com/445/story/7825 ...

Palin want to ban books:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketco ...

Second Palin ethics investigation:
http://deepbackground.msnbc.msn.com/arch ...

Truthmas... said...

It is a good model for women who have the courage and the courage. The real women who are resistant. And it is a good model. Of course, the liberal women hate because they "can do" and not with excuses to turn them on.

jacob m said...

I am a father of three children. It was very exciting to see that Palin has come as a VP. Who exactly is to see what the real blue collar American one. Someone who, to inspire the nation to a new era.

sixtiesr... said...

A good model should sympathy among his qualities. GWB invention of the oxymoron "compassionate conservative" is not a reality.

Boo said...

It is a true role model. She is a woman who does everything, and not a nanny.

HaqDelux... said...

She has beautiful hair! I like your hair!

elledriv... said...

As for the big picture, yes, this is a role model for any young person who is committed as a key player in an area that is mostly dominated by men. But after the breakup of the facts, without it there is a "model" for girls on many levels. Every woman, regardless forced by the political party association that promotes marriage, is not someone who wants to promote the influence on girls. Otherwise, I think it sets women back two decades with some of their views of others. It bothers me that people think, because Governor Palin is independent, a mother, a government official, sports, politics "that has somehow these roles for women. I have news for you - not. I strongly disagree with the honors of a Women on the rest (of a woman, Hillary Clinton, Governor Palin), what other women who did not do on the political track for decades before them. Yes, we welcome your contributions, but no less real - the average American working mother of 1, 2 or 5, children have been in this jue so long. Both contribute to a larger and already established.

Homeowner, Married, 2.5 kids said...

My 15 year old son named Renaissance woman and successful. As a role model for young women - I think it is - but I also believe that Hillary Clinton is also on their commitment to their faith. Its all about character and you do your best, what he had done.

Jessica said...

I wonder how you can be considered independently if you are looking for role models.

People need to stop obsessed with demography. The only thing that is more interesting, with how much money you have had in your portfolio to be.

jcbc said...

Absolutely! She is smart, funny, knows what she wants in life and not lose their feminine side to get it. I think it is an extraordinary person and a great influence for women today!

J K said...

Yes, she had her last baby, even if Down's syndrome. She decided not to kill him, because he has a disability. His record shows that in fact the side of people.

Bleh! said...

Yes, sleaze, despite the liberal attacks that is difficult to be a good candidate with experience in the work.

Joe SixPack said...

It is the ideal if you have an abortion.

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