Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Absolute Oils How Long Will We Continue To Allow Ourselves To Be Slaves To OIL? Or, Does MONEY Have Absolute Rule?

How long will we continue to allow ourselves to be slaves to OIL? Or, does MONEY have absolute rule? - absolute oils

There are other technologies on the market. If we can develop it, we kill 2 birds with one stone. 1. We got rid of the grip that oil had on us for decades, and 2 This helps to clean our air and our world around us can begin to recover.


Automoti... said...

This is because not work the other technologies. Or at this point in time, repeat the gas station every other use of fuels such as ethanol, it would be impossible to do so for several decades. You did not convert to a gas station at a time or to be anyone else in a position to receive gas at all.

Currently, the batteries have enough juice, solar powered vehicles are stupid and no capacitor.

If the world was as simple as .. oh ok time for a source of clean energy * Puff *, we would not even 99.9% of the problems we have now.

In addition, recognizing that people in the country, the large SUVs and do not need to manage damn. I could understand if you need to tow a boat or a touring family very often, but not even 0.00001% of the population. Everyone loves ***** weeping and wailing about the problems that have attracted them. You can not eat the cake and it also, when it comes to oil.

simply_s... said...

Sometimes I think our government does not deal with children of tomorrow. At the top level, the politicians their own interests! What he could help a permanent home in the Politburo, are for him and do not care if the entire population for the better, but is affected for the worse.
Ordinary people aspire for, what you propose, but our government will really listen?

soccer_b... said...

I do not think it will never be completely free to use, oil. I also think we have time to lose, but do not produce the cars still occur in the air, possibly dirty

rtmac002... said...

While comsumer are ignorant and lazy. There are two solutions to the problem of energy - exercising more or less. We will continue to be) the cheapest energy resources (oil and gas until they are forced to use something, be it the economy or the government's mandate.

And we are not "slaves" of oil. The United States is a rich country, as it consumes large amounts of energy. If we reduce our energy consumption, we can reduce our standard of living. Your choice.

crazyski... said...

We will continue to be slaves, while the politicians are sometimes misleading. Many $ behind the violation of our Natural Resourses and until we can get some of that $ behind alternative fuels R & D, continue to be the course for the world's elite in order to be more $. The other problem is that the world is the comfort and status symbols of love has. The polluting cars, not going anywhere soon.

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